Use the search, map, or area links below (scroll down) to find help where you live in Delaware.
Although this area is temporarily without a member to assist you we can still help you with any concerns you may have. We can also put you in contact with various elder care services in New Castle and Kent Counties. Click here to Request Assistance from the Delaware Care Planning Council.
Although this area is temporarily without a member to assist you we can still help you with any concerns you may have. We can also put you in contact with various elder care services in Sussex County. Click here to Request Assistance from the Delaware Care Planning Council.
New Castle and Kent Counties: Escambia, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa and Walton Counties
Sussex County: Bay, Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, Wakulla and Washington Counties
Although most home care is provided by family, friends or volunteers, there is a growing trend in Delaware to hire paid individuals or professionals to provide this care in the home. The hiring of care is prompted by a growing trend for traditional caregivers to be employed full-time and unable to offer much help or for family to live hundreds of miles away from the loved one and find it difficult to offer hands-on long-distance care.
Non-Medical Care Services In The Home
These providers represent a rapidly growing trend in Delaware to allow people needing help with long term care to remain in their home or in the community instead of going to a care facility.