An attorney specializing in elder law helps older people and their families or caregivers in Delaware with elder-specific legal issues, estate planning and long term care planning.
Many of these attorneys spent a great deal of their time helping individuals or couples qualify for Medicaid and preserve assets from Medicaid spend down and recovery. Property ownership, special transfer allowances, application for hardship review, Miller trusts and family-beneficial use of spend down monies are areas where their services can protect family members and healthy spouses from undue hardship. Although they typically can't charge to fill out a Medicaid application, elder lawyers, through advice and guidance, can often accelerate the approval process saving the family a great deal of money. This often more than compensates for their fee.
On the other hand many elder attorneys do not just limit their practice to Medicaid planning but help elders and their families with all types of issues. Below is a partial list of what an elder or Elder Law attorney might do:
A person facing the prospect of long-term care with moderate income and assets may eventually have to rely on Medicaid to pay part or all of the cost of care. But many states rob a healthy spouse of a previously adequate income by allowing too little in protected resources and income. Likewise, children, relatives and friends are not recognized for the financial sacrifices they make in providing the early care before a recipient becomes bad enough to need Medicaid funded professional help.
Medicaid planning, using a professional Medicaid planning advisor or qualified elder law attorney, allows you to correct inequities in the system. Medicaid planning has gotten a bad name because some individuals, who would normally have too many assets to ever qualify for Medicaid, deliberately use it, many years in advance, to give away everything to their family so as to qualify for Medicaid. It is wrong to abuse the system in this way and to use taxpayer dollars to insure an inheritance for the family. And if that person is not anticipating immediate care, this strategy is just plain dumb.
Medicaid planning is no different from tax planning. In fact a Supreme Court decision condones honest methods of eliminating income taxes or estate taxes. Just like tax planning, Medicaid planning uses existing laws to structure legal strategies.
Tax planning and Medicaid planning both put an additional burden on taxpayers, but one is considered ethical and the other not.
We believe that all strategies have their place in the scheme of things. Medicaid planning fits certain circumstances usually where families are in a crisis mode trying to preserve a few assets such as a house or a savings plan. There is no attempt to take advantage of the taxpayers. Using other strategies for paying the cost of care is much better for a younger generation wanting a plan that will allow for home care, assisted living and a choice in care services.
Our council is dedicated to helping families in Delaware deal with the issues and challenges aging seniors face. We do this by offering a trusted listing source of eldercare and senior services in your area.
Some of these senior services include Care Management, Elder Law, Estate Planning, Funeral Planning, Home Care, Medicaid Planning, Placement, Reverse Mortgage, and help with Veterans Benefits.
The Delaware Care Planning Council offers books written by the National Care Planning Council, a leader in providing materials on timely subjects relating to aging seniors.
Below are five of their popular books:
"How to Apply for Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits for Senior Veterans and Their Survivors" (2024)
"How to Deal with 21 Critical Issues Facing Aging Seniors"
"The 4 Steps of Long Term Care Planning"
"Protect Assets from Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets" (2024)
The elderly and their caregivers search online everyday for senior services and frequently find our web site, We, along with the National Care Planning Council, have become an important resource for families looking for help.
We invite you to become a member of the DeCPC starting at only $15.00 a month. Your membership will include an advertising listing(s) on two sites, your own personal sales (web) page, and access to the member section.
State Care Planning Councils are alliances of community care providers and advisers in a given geographic area of a state. State Councils provide a platform for these local groups of independent providers and advisors to offer the following services:
(1) Educate the public on how to plan for retirement and long term care
(2) Provide a local source of 15 to 20 different eldercare services through one single state contact
(3) Promote a trusted organization offering reliable services